Accounting, Payroll and Custom Software
Lets face it, there are hundreds of Point of Sale Systems available in the Marketplace. So what separates the WinLedge Point of Sale from the others? To be honest on the Point of Sale side, not much. The basic function of a POS is record a customer sale quickly and WinLedge does this fine. Most full-blown POS systems also include a variety of hardware options. At Classic we do not sell hardware of any kind so this is also not our strength. So where does the strength lie then?
There are many different cash drawer options available. Let us know what equipment you are interested in and we can have a look at integration to Winledge
Many different kinds of printers are also supported by the POS, including the popular Zebra line
Scanners from many different manufacturers are also supported to make UPC scans fast and easy!
Classic offers a comprehensive support program. For one low annual fee you receive, unlimited phone calls, emails, faxes and software updates. Premium "TeamViewer" and on-site support services are also available.
The "back-end"! Remember, Classic is first and foremost an accounting software developer. Our strength is and has always been our strong accounting controls. Yes there are lots of POS systems in the marketplace, but check them out and have a look at their back-end support. Do they have a full Accounts Receivable module?, with multi-currency, regions, sales analysis, invoicing, service charges, statements, user defined agings... etc. Or take a look at their GL module (if they have one). Can they handle the level of Detail of the WinLedge GL. Also be sure to check into their Inventory control system or is it just a system to retain product SKU's to make entry easy.
In summary, if you are looking for a stand-alone Point of Sale, you might want to look elsewhere, but if you are looking for a fully integrated Accounting / Inventory / Point of Sale System, then grab a demo and have a look at WinLedge.
Designed as an add-on to the accounting, handle your cash sales efficiently.